How Does Ibogaine Work? Can your body heal it’s self with Ibogaine?

Deep Ibogaine Experience Explained in Detail - Dylan
– Pure Ibogaine I’m talking about, not Iboga. Pure Ibogaine, and that’s what we use. That does the job. From one ton of root bark, we get one kilo. Pure Ibogaine. We use that substance, and you know how to use it, then you trigger your central nervous system which wakes up your body, and finally, your body is able to fix itself.It’s the most sophisticated machine in the world. Why is it so complex? Why is it too good to be true? (epic instrumental music) – [Interviewer] Hi David, how are you doing? – It’s okay, I’m doing great.– [Interviewer] So the other day I was hearing somebody say something about Ibogaine which I thought was interesting. They said it is too good to be true. – Ah. – [Interviewer] Is that something you hear all the time? – Too good to be true.Too good to be true. Why? Because it’s simple? Because the body, the most sophisticated machine in the world can fix itself? Our heart, by the time you are 40, has beaten one and a half billion times.Is that too good to be true? How is it your leg breaks and then fixes itself? How does your lung gets damaged, and it fixes itself? How about all these bacterias, billions of them every day, hits our body, and our body protects ourself from it.Is that too good to be true? What we have done to our body, with the noise, with the junk food, with all this, your junk food is, it’s processed food, which means the food that goes to your stomach, has to go through four processes at least, to get digested.When they process that food, it only goes through two stages, which means you basically absorbing junk into your body. So you destroy yourself. And everything stresses you, and everything around you is stressful.You cannot cope with anything; it has become a society of instant gratification. You take drugs for everything, that cause more drugs, more side-effects. Let the body, what we do, we use substance. And I’ve studied not just about the Ibogaine I’m gonna talk about.After this, you can see my animation, that I created, that National Geographic copied as well. It shows how the brain works. And we have destroyed it, by taking drugs, socially, because we were prescribed, I don’t really care.The noise, the stress. We have destroyed our body. Our central nervous system does not function anymore. What we do, we have a formula, that are based on my studies of my Maimonides, books and the Greek philosophers, they had remedies for things.They weren’t giving drugs to everybody for every little things. They let the body fix itself. So we just trigger the central nervous system to trigger in the brain, and through the brain the whole body, every single cell, every single organ until you’re down to your toe.And then it ignites the body just like making a tune-up, and the body fixes itself. It’s a proof. Look at my channel. Ibogaine by David Dardashti. There are hundreds and hundreds of videos. People, they are real people, are talking from all kinds of diseases.I’m not talking just about addiction. I’m not talking just about depression and PTSD, there’s the Parkinson and Alzheimer. And I wanna tell you a secret. There is five hundred fifty patents, registered patents, under Ibogaine.Pure Ibogaine I’m talking about. Not Iboga. Pure Ibogaine, and that’s what we use. That does the job. From one ton of root barks we get one kilo. Pure Ibogaine. We use that substance. And you know how to use it.Then you trigger your central nervous system, which wakes up your body, and finally your body is able to fix itself. It’s the most sophisticated machine in the world. Why is it so complex? Why is it too good to be true? Why everything in this world has to be so complicated, so complex to be true? Solomon, the smartest man ever lived, had everything.He’s quoted saying, “And God created the world simple, “and people decided to make it complicated” The same way Beethoven wrote his Fifth Symphony by just hearing somebody knocking on the door.(singing) Da, da, da, dam. Forty-five minutes symphony. Was that too good to be true? Things are simple. The body is simple. It’s so sophisticated, and fix you. Just come. Just take the substance, and you will see different world.Look at all the channel. Look at the animation. Try it. Believe me, it’s not too good to be true. It’s true. (epic instrumental music) pure I began I’m talking about not iboga purity and that’s what we use that that’s the job from one ton of route box we get one kilo pure I believe when you use that substance and you know how to use it then you trigger your central nervous system which wakes up your body and finally your body is able to fix itself it’s a most sophisticated machine in the world why is it so complex why is it too good to be true [Music] [Music] okay so the other day I was hearing somebody say something about ivory game except that was interesting they said it is too good to be true it’s not something you hear all the time too good to be true too good to be true why because it’s simple it was the body the most sophisticated machine the world can fix itself our heart by the time you’re 40 has beaten one and a half billion times is that too good to be true how is the your leg breaks and then fixes itself how is your lung gets damaged and fixes itself how about all these bacterias billions of them every day it’s a body and our body protects our self on it is that too good to be true what we have done to our body with the noise wouldn’t junk food with all this junk food is it’s processed food which means a food that goes to your stomach your tea has to go to four processes at least to get digested when the process that food it only goes through two stages which means you basically observing junk in your body so you destroy yourself and everything stresses you and everything around you is stressful we cannot cope with anything speaking has become an Society of instant gratification you take drugs for everything that costs more drugs more side effects let the body what we do we use substance and have studied not just but I begin I’m gonna talk about that after this you can see my animation that I created that National Geographic copied as well it shows how the brain works and we have destroyed it by taking drugs socially because we were prescribed I don’t really care the noise the stress we have destroyed our body it’s doesn’t our central nervous system does not function anymore what we do we have a formula that I based on my studies of Maimonides books and the Greek philosophers they had remedies for things they weren’t that giving drugs to everybody for every little things they let the body fix itself so we just triggered the central nervous system to trigger in the brain and through the brain the whole body every single cell every single organ kill you down to your toe and then it’s ignites the body just like making a tuna and the body fixes itself it’s a proof you had my channel I begin by David actually there are hundreds and hundreds of videos people there are real people are talking from all kinds of diseases I’m not talking about addiction I’m not talking just about depression and PTSD this is the Parkinson and all stammer and I want to tell you a secret there is 550 patents registered patents under I became pure I began I’m talking about not iboga pure opinion and that’s what we use that that’s the job from one ton of route barks we get kill you pure IP when you use that substance and you know how to use it then you trigger your central nervous system which wakes up your body and finally your body is able to fix itself it’s a most sophisticated machine in the world why is it so complex why is it too good to be true why everything in this world has to be so complicated so complex to be true Solomon the smartest man ever lived had everything he’s couldn’t sing and God created the world simple and people decided to make it complicated the same way better than wrote his fifth symphony by just hearing somebody knocking on the door that at that time 45 minutes simply was that too good to be true things are simple the body is seen it’s so sophisticated can fix you just come just take this absence and is it will you will see different world look at the older child look at the adapted animation try it believe me it’s not too good to be true it’s true [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
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