Twenty-two years back, we found a normal ancestral cure from the Tabernanthe Iboga bush local to Gabon and different countries in West Central Africa. This substance called Ibogaine, and it has an old history in shamanic customs of inception and profound missions.
In more recent times, Ibogaine and its metabolite have shown a remarkable ability to interrupt various substance addictions. With the help of the ibogaine alkaloid, a natural hydrochloride extract, addicted individuals can experience symptom-free withdrawal.
Ibogaine is a psychoactive substance that interrupts addiction by neurochemically transporting the addict to a physically and psychologically pre-addicted state.
Individuals can then evaluate their habits from the standpoint of a non-addict without having to suffer through any terrifying withdrawal symptoms.
To heal the psychological aspects of addiction, the underlying causes, we recommend a specific form of psychotherapy following our ibogaine treatments.
There are different schools of thought regarding methods and protocols for treating opioid compounds. Ibogaine-Suboxone (buprenorphine) therapy has been widely misunderstood. It continues to be a controversy due to clinics offering various forms of treatment for users of Suboxone and other opioid replacement therapies. There are many ways to treat suboxone addictions. However, there are a few universal rules that apply to all users of buprenorphine medications.
There has been renewed interest in studying ibogaine over the past several decades due to the experienced effect that ibogaine has during withdrawing from drug addiction. It has been demonstrated in pre-clinical preliminaries to diminish the self-organization of cocaine, morphine, and amphetamines. It is believed that Ibogaine will break the pattern of addiction, whether the dependence in question is physical or emotional. Ibogaine is also further supposed to provide insight and guidance into a person’s life. Ibogaine is said to act on the mammalian GDNF or addiction pathway.
Recent studies have shown that ibogaine and nor-ibogaine interact with numerous neuro-receptors and neuro-transporters. These neuro-receptors and transporters make up the cellular network that modulates the activity of dopaminergic-dependent (related to the neurotransmitter dopamine) and independent circuits. The multi-site activities of ibogaine propose that concurrent tweak of more than one neural component may, hence, be a reasonable pharmacological treatment approach. a practical pharmacological treatment approach.
The action of the Ibogaine seems to reduce dopamine concentrations in the body. This is proven by the presence of dopamine metabolites – dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA) – in increased amounts after ibogaine administration. This action of Ibogaine is what seems to reverse the effects of certain abusive and highly addictive drugs, namely/precisely: cocaine, morphine, amphetamines, and nicotine. All of these drugs act upon dopaminergic systems, thus stimulating dopamine production in the body. Ibogaine seems to reverse this process by antagonizing dopaminergic systems. Ibogaine is also thought to reduce addiction because it inhibits naloxone (used in an overdose of opiates to counteract life-threatening depression of the central nervous and respiratory systems), precipitating the blockade of NMDA channels (the predominant molecular device for controlling synaptic plasticity and memory function). Ibogaine can promptly influence serotonergic (identified with the synapse serotonin) transmission in the cerebrum, as this has been seen in clinical investigations.
In any case, by and by, the components of activity on the numerous serotonergic receptors are intricate and not totally comprehended. Most interestingly, Ibogaine is proven to inhibit the self-administration of cocaine in rats. One portion of Ibogaine would diminish cocaine utilization in 5 days by 60-80%. Ibogaine additionally found to bring down the self-organization of morphine and liquor. Mentally, Ibogaine is fit for creating dreams and visualizations at high dosages. Some common questions about this are addressed on this site’s FAQ. It has been set up that Ibogaine influences the focal sensory system in an assortment of ways.
Studies have been led in regard to the conduct impacts of Ibogaine on tranquilize subordinate patients.. Ibogaine has been found to produce no significant neurobehavioral impairments. Intense impacts incorporate mellow tremors and a sensational resurgence of quelled recollections.
These dreams once in a while kept going as long as 8 hours and in the long run died down into a 24-hour condition of unwinding. A few patients additionally experience mellow a sleeping disorder after the treatment, however, this has not influenced their sensorium (sensations).
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