My Iboga Experience
Hello Iboga World and members, here is my Iboga Experience I want to share with you all. First I will never forget this experience. I totally had no clue if it was possible to get rid of my addiction. I found some Iboga suppliers online and decided to contact 3 of them. Just as little as an hour after I contacted Iboga World they sent me back an email.
They asked me what my purposes were to use the Ibogaine for. They helped me a long the way of getting information, placing the right order with the Iboga products I needed to do my treatment. I have done the treatment last month and I have to say it wash a very nice experience for me. I had totally no withdrawals and had good insight feelings and dreams. From that moment I realized why I started using drugs, and that it absolutely was not the way to resolve any problems with drugs.
Now I haven’t used any kind of drugs from 11-08-2012 and I know for sure I will never use it again. So, I can tell you these people at Iboga World know what they are doing and are here for only one reason, helping as much addicted people as they can. O my lord, what have they helped me. Now my life is starting for real. Michelle and other staff I will never forget you.
Lovely blessings